Press Release: Hybridization: The Plant World’s Savior or Its Catastrophe?

Press Release: Hybridization: The Plant World’s Savior or Its Catastrophe?

While different plants might hybridize naturally, their interactions have the potential to be drastically influenced by climate change, which might bring into contact higher numbers of disparate plant species due to the breakdown of ecological barriers. In new research upcoming at the Journal of Young Investigators, McEachern examines the interplay among hybridization events, invasive species, and climate change, and discusses whether hybridization is a true conservationist’s nightmare or might represent a potential new avenue for protecting the plant world.

My Dead Body: The documentary marking the first public dissection in the UK in 180 years

My Dead Body:  The documentary marking the first public dissection in the UK in 180 years

Astonishingly, it has been more than 700 years since the first public dissection and almost 200 years since the first British cadaver was dissected publicly. This changed in 2022 when Toni Crews, a young British woman whom had suffered with a rare form of cancer in her lacrimal gland, audaciously waived her right to anonymity and became the first public display cadaver in the UK since records began 180 years ago as part of a groundbreaking documentary (BSMS, 2022).

Press Release: Evaluating Automated Exposure Notifications for the Mitigation of COVID-19

Press Release: Evaluating Automated Exposure Notifications for the Mitigation of COVID-19

Since 2020, governments and health bodies have confronted unrivalled provocations in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, authorities adopted traditional strategies of contact tracing, which utilised the information from infected individuals to identify those who may have been exposed to COVID-19 as a result of close contact. Electronic methods of contact tracing swiftly emerged to supplement this practice. However, it became increasingly apparent that this medium posed a potential risk of leaking private metadata (Tiwari et al; 2019).