JYI Undergraduate Research Grant – Applications Now Open!
The JYI Undergraduate Research Grant provides $250 USD to four selected undergraduate researchers to support scientific innovation. This grant reimburses research-related expenses (not stipends).
Award Amount: $250 USD per recipient
Number of Awards: 4 total (2 per research category)
Application Deadline: April 30, 2025
Awards Announced: May 31, 2025
Start Date: June 1, 2025
Duration: Until November 30, 2025
Award Amount: $250 USD per recipient
Number of Awards: 4 total (2 per research category)
Application Deadline: April 30, 2025
Awards Announced: May 31, 2025
Start Date: June 1, 2025
Duration: Until November 30, 2025
Eligible research should fall into either one of the following criteria:
Applied biological, chemical, and clinical sciences: This category includes, but is not limited to, cellular and molecular biology, neurobiology, genetics, microbiology and immunology, pharmacology, organic chemistry, or clinical sciences.
Eligible research must directly aim to improve human health, healthcare administration, drug delivery, clinical diagnoses, or bench-to-bedside care. Research with an environmental, technical, theoretical, or social focus will not be considered.
Chemical, physical, and environmental sciences and engineering: This category includes, but is not limited to, biological, chemical, physical, or environmental sciences or engineering disciplines.
Eligible research must focus on improving environmental sustainability, technological safety and efficiency, or advancing our understanding of atmospheric, meteorological, ecological, geological, mechanical, metallurgical, and nuclear sciences. Research with a medical or clinical focus will not be considered.
To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
The applicant must not be affiliated with JYI under any circumstance. This includes current staff, and JYI alumni.
The applicant must be enrolled in any year of an accredited undergraduate program at any university and/or college. The program must be equivalent to a baccalaureate degree. This degree does not necessarily need to be considered “scientific”.
The research environment must be formal and supervised by a PI (PhD degree holder). The applicant will be asked to submit a short letter of support from their supervisor confirming their involvement in the research and any other recommendation. Contact information for the corresponding supervisor might be required.
Applicants must submit:
A comprehensive budget (see template in application materials) that includes in detail the expected purchases that will be covered by this grant. Applicants should explain in detail how these purchases are directly related to the research they are performing. The research supervisor must sign this budget before the application deadline. Valid receipts must be uploaded to the JYI Grant 2025 - Reimbursement Form. For more information, please refer to the Reimbursements section below.
A one-page description of the research (see template in application materials). This document must include the title of the research, an abstract and/or short outline, and preliminary findings. Figures are welcomed, but not required. This information must be presented in a clear manner, with text never being smaller than 12 points in Times New Roman. Pages should be numbered at the bottom.
A supervisor support letter from a mentor at your university or faculty member.
Proof of enrollment at an accredited undergraduate program.
Interested applicants must review all the requirements and criteria necessary for a successful application. All materials should be submitted in English.
Review and fulfill all material templates and documents as requested.
Save your application documents in PDF format with the following name formatting:
Research Grant Description: RD Surname First Name. e.g., RD Doe John
Budget: B Surname First Name. e.g., B Doe John
Proof of enrollment: PE Surname First Name. e.g., PE Doe John
Submit your application and include your application documents.
Your supervisor support letter must be emailed to cfo@jyi.org. This document must besubmitted as a PDF in English prior to the application deadline. No documents will be considered after the deadline.
Please give particular attention to all instructions and requests, as failure to do so will result in our inability to move further with your application for this grant.