
Physics of Sports: How Much Is Too Much?

Physics of Sports: How Much Is Too Much?

Sports have always been a part of humans’ lives, with the most talked about event this summer being the Olympics, originally dating back roughly 3000 years ago. Physics on the other hand, has also been studied since the times of Aristotle. Both disciplines were rather disjoint and uncorrelated, however, fast forward to modern day physics and the increasingly competitive nature in sports, the two disciplines have found a way to merge into a new field of sports sciences. With current fast-paced development in science and technology, research within the field of sport sciences has mushroomed, which has led to some controversy due to beliefs that physics has overstayed its welcome in sports, causing athletes to overachieve unfairly. The main question in hand is to where the line should be drawn at the application of physics in sports to still be considered a “fair” game?