Press Release

Press Release: Will Proteomics Revolutionise the way we Manage Prostate Cancer Patients?

Press Release: Will Proteomics Revolutionise the way we Manage Prostate Cancer Patients?

Prostate cancer is the second most prevalent cancer found in men globally, and the fifth leading cause of cancer-related mortality in men. Some patients have a more aggressive disease with increased progression and metastasis, while others have a less aggressive disease with slower progression. There have been recent discoveries on the complexity of molecular and genetic factors behind prostate cancer in order to understand the disease mechanisms.

Press Release: Harnessing the Microbiomes of Soil Dwelling Creatures

Press Release: Harnessing the Microbiomes of Soil Dwelling Creatures

Even with insatiable curiosity driven by experiments and observation, science unfortunately cannot proceed without the support of money. Many of the pharmaceuticals and drugs commonly used today are the products of industry, rather than academia, which plays a small role (Frearson and Wyatt). In the past, industry has been a large producer of antibiotics, but the profits earned by manufacturing costly drugs are negligible, and the industry has since lost significant interest in production (Martens and Demain).