The Implication of the Corticotropin Releasing Factor in Nicotine Dependence and Significance for Pharmacotherapy in Smoking Cessation

The Implication of the Corticotropin        Releasing Factor in Nicotine Dependence and Significance for Pharmacotherapy in Smoking Cessation

Smoking represents one of the greatest preventable causes of death globally, and pharmacological treatments of higher efficacy targeting smoking cessation are necessary. Current drug interventions show only modest success rates and do not adequately address nicotine withdrawal-induced anxiety that is heavily implicated in relapse and failed quit attempts. The purpose of this paper is to highlight that nicotine dependence is at least partially maintained through the negative reinforcing effect of avoiding abstinence-induced anxiety. This paper presents findings which suggest that this effect is mediated by the activation of the Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) system are presented and the implications of a therapeutic agent containing a CRF_1 antagonistare discussed.

Press Release: Understanding the Link Between Anxiety and Prolonged Nicotine Addiction

Vasileia Karasavva’s paper, “The implication of the corticotropin releasing factor in nicotine dependence and what this means for pharmacotherapy in smoking cessation,” published in the March 2019 issue of the Journal of Young Investigators, highlights the need for more efficient, effective treatments and methods for quitting smoking.

Insight into the Life of a Vascular Surgeon

Dr. Ravi Rajani is an Associate Professor of Surgery in the Division of Vascular Surgery at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. He is certified in General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, and Vascular Surgery. Some of his clinical interests include vascular trauma, carotid artery disease, and lower extremity limb salvage. Having served as the principal investigator for multiple trauma-specific clinical trials, Dr. Rajani’s research interests include incorporation of endovascular techniques for the management of vascular trauma.

Routes of Regeneration: from Axolotls to a Human Heart

Starfish can regrow limbs, some arthropods can regrow appendages, and certain worms can regenerate after being cut in half. Since humans share thousands of genes with these animals, it seems reasonable to look for evolutionary conservation in regeneration. Studying organ regeneration in animals to find solutions for humans is an important potential avenue for improving health and quality of life through better medical care, which has become a central quest in modern medicine as longevity has increased.

A Chilly Change in Perspective on Arctic Algae Blooms

Sea ice has become an important index of Arctic health in the midst of a warming regional climate. Its prominence is due in part to its visibility: there are few pieces of evidence as straightforward and convincing to the general public as satellite images displaying dwindling ice from year to year. There is also sound scientific support for the ice’s importance: sea ice and climate exist in a careful balance, each one impacting—while simultaneously being impacted by—the other.