Affordable, modular, and breathable upper-limb prosthetic sockets for use in underdeveloped areas with hot, humid climates

Author: Holly D. Thomas

Amputees in underdeveloped areas often do not receive suitable prosthetic devices within the time frame needed for probable success. Typically, prostheses are either not secure or too constrictive of the residual limb. As a result, the constant friction and moisture collection increase the likelihood of skin breakdown. Furthermore, patients living in hot, humid climates are more prone to skin problems due to moisture and lack of proper hygiene. The objective of this project was to create an affordable and modular upper limb prosthetic socket for use by amputees in underdeveloped areas, specifically Brazil.

Lasers and Stuff: A Day in the Life of Dr. David Hilton

Author:  Hriday Bhambhvani

From upstate New York, to New Mexico, Texas, and finally Alabama, Dr. David Hilton has been around the block to say the least. Hilton completed his doctoral studies in applied physics at Cornell University under the guidance of Dr. Chung Tang and is now an associate professor of physics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Unlike many Ph.D. level researchers, Hilton is actively involved in undergraduate education. He is the sole lecturer for the honors general physics classes at UAB – a class lauded by many a student – and has spearheaded the movement for honors education in introductory physics courses.  

Tiny But Mighty: Gene Fragments and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Author: Anastasiya Maryukova Pankin

Autism is a disorder that affects many children, but very little is known about its cause and development. A new study, conducted by University of Toronto researchers, sheds light on poorly understood tiny gene fragments, called microexons, and their vital role in neuronfunction. Manuel Irimia, a post-doctoral fellow at University of Toronto, and Benjamin Blencowe, a professor at the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, led the study.