
The Entrepreneurial Science Journalist

The next logical step to take after honing your communication skills and becoming a successful science journalist might be to operate or even start up your own science journal or magazine (such as JYI). Why let the fruits of your science journalistic expertise go unsown, and the opportunity to lead whizz by? Leading an organization devoted to communicating scientific knowledge can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as an undergraduate.

Four years as an Undergraduate Researcher

As a youngster we all have great ideas, soaring ambitions and flights of imaginations. Most of us aim big, real big, king size but as the race keeps getting longer, we keep losing faith, in ourselves, in our dreams and keep falling out of the main ideology of ours and settle down for something that comes second, third or fourth, fifth, sixth in our lists. But then there are some determined enough, those who aim for something, something that may not be that grand or majestic but something indispensable they can't really continue further without. And they reach out for it and get it and don't rest until they are competent enough to say, "We did it!" Such are the instances; such are those individuals who inspire us to keep going further, in our ambitions, in our aims.

Thousands of Laymen Help Make A Crucial Discovery About Galaxy Evolution

Most would agree: science has progressed past the point where laymen can understand, or participate in making new discoveries. But astrophysics has recently made a breakthrough with the help of these very same laymen. For this particular field, physics and technological brilliance achieves a very simple and familiar goal: astronomers want photos of the heavenly bodies they study. In most cases – especially when studying galaxies – the most reliable way to figure out what's going on is to look at the photo.