Author: Shiv Gaglani
Institution: Harvard College
Date: November 2008
November 2008
Dear JYI Reader,
Welcome to the Journal of Young Investigators! Whether you are an experienced reader or visiting JYI for the first time, we would like to let you know about where JYI has come from and where we plan on going. The first issue of JYI was published in December 1998 now almost a full decade ago! Since then, JYI has published 19 Volumes with approximately 5-10 issues in each volume. This prolific rate not only reflects the immense effort of all the JYI Staff Members, who number well into the hundreds now, but it also indicates the countless hours of research realized by undergraduate scientists from all over the world. These JYI authors are now, or are in the process of becoming, professors at academic research institutions, officers at scientific companies, writers for professional journals, doctors saving lives in hospitals, and professionals in other fields that contribute to society.
There is no better time than now to be an undergraduate scientist. In its essence, science is a means for discovery. By adding to the cumulative knowledge, science is also a way to solve problems that burden society. An exceptionally powerful example of such a case was the discovery and characterization of antibiotics in the first half of the 20th century, which has saved millions of lives. There are equally, if not more, pressing problems facing us now in the 21st century. From global warming and alternative sources of energy to the health care crisis and cancer, there are ample opportunities for undergraduates like you and me to pursue science and contribute to solving these problems.
Before we can make our contributions, however, it is important to develop a scientific aptitude for identifying and solving research problems and communicating the results of our efforts. Traditionally, the undergraduate science experience has not included a process whereby college students can go through a peer-review process and publish their research. This is the experience that JYI has provided to hundreds of authors and staff members on a monthly basis over the last ten years. As the longest established online undergraduate research journal, we pride ourselves on the quality and number of undergraduate papers we publish and on the diversity of our contributors and staff members.
Additionally, by publishing solely online we have aimed to use technology to reach a broad audience while not adversely affecting the ecosystem by printing thousands of pages worth of material. We have many exciting initiatives on the horizon, including expanding our media to include video and audio content through YouTube and RSS feeds. It is truly an exciting time to be involved with the Journal of Young Investigators and we look forward to interacting with you whether you are a reader, contributor, or potential staff member. We have appreciated the opportunity of working with you to publish your research and look forward to doing so for long into the future.
Shiv Gaglani
CEO, Journal of Young Investigators