


The days of using overloaded and possibly hazardous electrical sockets for the purposes of powering and recharging appliances and gadgets might soon be a thing of the past. In the July 6th edition of the journal Science, researchers at MIT announced the success of an efficient power transfer between two coils over a large distance relative to their size. Presently, things such as security swipe cards can transmit electricity via magnetic induction but can only do so over a small distance.

Communicating with Canines

The domestic dog is an animal that is special in many ways. It is an animal that has been artificially selected by humans for thousands of years and has taken on a variety of roles in human societies from being companions to circus animals to guards and guides. Despite the intimacy with human beings, we all know of instances in which there have been rough and sometimes violent encounters between people and these canine creations.

The Top Five World Geologic Sites

The Top Five World Geologic Sites

To study the Earth is to study the present in order to make inferences about the past and predictions for the future. The understanding of geology is more than just to provide scientific background for major blockbuster disaster movies like "Volcano" or "The Core" (not that either of these films can boast any sort of satisfactory basis on science), but to help the general public prepare for potential natural disasters as well as attempt to mitigate the effects that might trigger them.

Editorial: In silico Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship between the Woolly Mammoth and Modern Elephants

I heard a story once, of a young boy named Norbert who visited the La Brea Tar Pits, located in Los Angeles, California. One of the many displays they have at the museum is that of a Woolly Mammoth's skeleton. As Norbert stared at this creature amazingly recreated before him, he asked the curator, "How did modern elephants emerge through evolution from the Woolly Mammoth?