Announcing Undergraduate Research Funding? Submit your applications until April 30th


Differential Response of Vibrio vulnificus Isolates from South Texas Waters to Oxidative Stress

Vibrio vulnificus, a common human pathogen, is autochthonous to warm estuarine and coastal waters where it can undergo different kinds of environmental stresses. Very little is known about how environmental isolates from Texas waters cope with extreme conditions; our objective was to study the response of these isolates under oxidative stress.


A Correct Newton-Raphson and a Better Halley

A Correct Newton-Raphson and a Better Halley

The lowly fixed-point recursion xn+1 = f(xn), which is at the bottom of the iterative methods evolutionary ladder, should come before the Newton-Raphson method. Yet in calculus texts the latter takes precedence, due probably to the appeal of its plausible geometrical interpretation visualized so convincingly as sliding down tangent lines. But relying on graphs and pictures can lead to simplistic thinking.


Sensitivity and Specificity in Prostate Cancer Screening Methods and Strategies

Sensitivity and Specificity in Prostate Cancer Screening Methods and Strategies

The debate regarding the effectiveness of current prostate cancer screening strategies and the necessity of population based testing is becoming a major issue within the medical community. While Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing is the most widespread form of prostate cancer screening, its specificity of 63.1% and low sensitivity of 34.9% calls for a statistically improved and more effective method to more accurately and consistently detect the ninth most common form of cancer. New technology has enabled medical researchers to develop more reliable, less invasive screening methods.


Paleomeander Behavior in the Early Copper Age of the Great Hungarian Plain: Veszt"o,Hungary

Paleomeander Behavior in the Early Copper Age of the Great Hungarian Plain: Veszt"o,Hungary

This research asks what the relationship is between meanders of the Feher and Sebes-Körös Rivers and Early Copper Age Settlements located in Southeast Hungary. Done in conjunction with a National Science Foundation funded archaeological excavation of two Early Copper Age settlements, the purpose is to determine why almost all Early Copper Age settlements in the Great Hungarian Plain, where these excavations are located, are situated along river meanders.


Molecular Patterning of the Vertebrate Limb and Implications for Congenital Deformity

Molecular Patterning of the Vertebrate Limb and Implications for Congenital Deformity

The vertebrate limb is patterned by a number of interrelated molecular pathways which ultimately determine the musculoskeletal and soft tissue organisation of the completed limb. Once the limb field has been established, the proximodistal axis is primarily determined by fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs), dorsoventral by a Wnt system and anteroposterior by Sonic hedgehog (Shh). Although still relatively infrequent, congenital limb deformities may have profound physical and psychosocial effects on children and their families.


Fabrication of Metallic Nanoparticle Arrays

Fabrication of Metallic Nanoparticle Arrays

Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), a collective electron density oscillation found exclusively in metallic nanostructures, is a phenomenon that is of practical significance. The strong UV-vis absorption band exhibited by metallic nanoparticles is a phenomenon not found in their bulk equivalent. Therefore, the LSPR response of metallic nanoparticles to changes in their surrounding dielectric environment may be exploited to use nanoparticle arrays as sensing platforms for biological or chemical sensors.
