Intern Piece

A Recently Discovered Cell Protein May Hold The Cure to Aging

A Recently Discovered Cell Protein May Hold The Cure to Aging

In a groundbreaking discovery at The University of Queensland, Associate Professor Steven Zuryn and Dr. Michael Dai have uncovered a clue hidden within the intricate web of our cellular machinery in their manuscript “ATFS-1 counteracts mitochondrial DNA damage by promoting repair over transcription” published in the journal Nature Cell Biology. Meet ATSF-1, the newfound protein protagonist in the story of extending the human lifespan.

From Salt to Solidarity: The Global Language of Collaboration

From Salt to Solidarity: The Global Language of Collaboration

 Recently, a study conducted by researchers from UCLA, Australia, Ecuador, Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.K. examined the universality of cooperation. The study's findings, published in the scientific journal "Reports," challenge previous research that proposed cultural differences in behaviors. Contrary to the previous belief that cultures strongly influence levels of cooperation, the study suggests something unexpected—a surprising similarity in universal collaboration. The study aims to explore the human capacity for collaboration while attempting to answer the question, "to what extent are everyday cooperative events organized by common principles and to what extent do they vary across human groups?"