A Review of Management Problems Arising From Reintroductions of Large Carnivores

Author:  Mark Edwards

Large carnivores are often apex predators and are important in ecosystems as their behaviour promotes biodiversity. They frequently fall victim to anthropogenic causes of local extinction and subsequently, have often been the subjects of conservation efforts involving reintroduction programs. As land-use changes restrict ranges and reduce prey for large carnivores, the trend towards local extinction is set to increase; therefore ex-situ conservation is likely to be increasingly prevalent. Reintroduction programmes are divided into two distinct parts.

Sticky Fingers: A Glimpse into the Work of a Latent Print Examiner

Author:  Ria Foye

From the moment of conception until the time of death, there is no doubt that nearly all physical features of the body undergo change. For instance, bone lengths and teeth surfaces: the  length of a newborn’s spine is clearly shorter than that of an adolescent while similarly over time, teeth wear down and surface patterns become unique to  one individual. While these and many other body parts are continuously undergoing change, there is one bodily characteristic that remains constant throughout a lifetime - the specific ridge patterns that constitute a fingerprint.

Scientists Potentially Postpone the Aging Process...In fruit flies

Author:  Maria Zagorulya

Could we be one step closer to the fountain of youth? In a recent study, scientists at the University of California Los Angeles found that activating a specific gene in key organ systems appears to slow down aging. Upon activation of this gene in fruit fly intestines, the team saw a 30 percent increase in their lifespans. This suggests that delaying aging in the whole body could be achieved remotely by turning on a gene in a single organ system.

“Are These the Droids We’re Looking For?” Fictional Forebodings and The Future of Artificial Intelligence According To Humans

Author:  Belinda Ongaro

When discussing Artificial Intelligence, or AI, the public has a tendency to envision the robots portrayed in science fiction books and films. Unfortunately, this can lead many people to anthropomorphize to an unrealistic extent. To gain a clearer understanding, we spoke with Daniel H. Wilson, author of the novel Robopocalypse. He holds a PhD in robotics from Carnegie Mellon University and lives in Portland, Oregon.

A Penny For Your Thoughts: The Science of Economic Decision-Making

Author:  Belinda Ongaro

Advertisers can be impressively accurate when it comes to predicting the behavior of consumers, but traditional economic behavioral models merely describe average consumer behavior. As recent research has shown, economic decision-making is multifaceted, and influenced by a consumer’s emotions, beliefs, and social status.  Today, in a novel branch of behavioral psychology known as neuroeconomics, researchers are taking such factors into account by developing new models that they hope will bring economic “mind reading” to a new level.