Vitamins Found to Lower Risk for Age-related Macular Degeneration

The results from a seven-year clinical study have recently suggested that a combination of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid intake may reduce the risk for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The study, led by William G. Christen, an epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, revealed that this combination may be effective against one of the leading causes of vision loss in older Americans.

New Born Neurons, Digital Cameras of the Brain

Memory recall involves shuffling through the innumerable scenes or scenarios stored in our brain. Inevitably, one memory leads to another, so instead of just recalling what movie you watched two weeks ago, you also remember a delicious (or unfortunately horrible) meal you had the very same day. Researchers led by Fred H. Gage at the Salk Institute of Biological Sciences found in their study, published on January 29th in Neuron, that new born neurons may have the ability to create time codes for memories that are formed around the same time, very much like a digital camera dates photos.

Tropical Turtle Fossil Gives Clues of the Ancient Arctic Scene

Once, an Asiatic freshwater turtle decided to migrate to an attractively warm paradise called the Arctic. Ninety millions years later, a shivering team, from the University of Rochester found its fossilized shell haphazardly in the same area. The decision of migrating may now prove to be the wisest in the turtle's life, since its fossil is helping us build in our minds what the Arctic used to be like and how the Earth's dynamics have radically transformed the landscape. The findings were published in the February edition of the journal Geology.

Anti-Aging Formula,Antioxidants or Free Radicals?

Nowadays, we are bombarded by all sorts of advertisements urging us to get as many antioxidants in our diet as possible. The list of must-eats' and benefits is quite overwhelming. Perhaps the most attractive feature of antioxidants is its supposed anti-aging properties. It turns out that these super nutrients might not be that magical after all. In a study published in the February issue of PLoS Genetics, researchers at McGill University have questioned the entire oxidative stress theory.

New Source of Unoxidized Iron (II) Found in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes

Scientists have found that iron is spewed out by hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor which could be a source of nutrients for sea life at shallower depths. Published in Nature Geoscience, aquatic organisms can metabolize unoxidized iron more efficiently than its oxidized form, and so this discovery would help elucidate the mechanisms by which sea microorganisms obtain nutrients.

Study Finds Eight Gene Mutations that Cause Malignant Brain Tumors in Children

A team of researchers funded by the Canadian Cancer Society have identified eight gene mutations that are believed to be responsible for medulloblastomas, the most common malignant brain tumor in children. These findings are a major step forward because they have improved our understanding of the cause of medulloblastomas, which currently account for over 20% of childhood cancer deaths. The findings of this study were reported today in the online publication of Nature Genetics.

"Remember, this whole thing started with a mouse." - Walt Disney

In his book "The Heart of a Champion," Bob Richards tells the story of Olympic champion Charley Paddock. While speaking before a group of students in Cleveland, Ohio, Paddock challenged the audience to THINK BIG: "If you think you can, you can," he coached. "If you believe a thing strongly enough, it can come to pass in your life!" Before Paddock concluded his remarks, he lifted his hand and said, "Who knows, there may be an Olympic champion sitting among us."

Asteroid Comes Close to Home

Early Monday, astronomers confirmed the passing of an asteroid a mere 45,000 miles above the Earth's surface. This distance is about twice as high as the locations of most satellites that orbit the Earth in free fall, but about only one-fifth the distance between the Earth and its moon. Although it passed somewhere over the Pacific Ocean and did not reach the Earth's surface, it did receive some publicity among the scientists. "It's pretty unusual to see one this close," said Timothy Spahr, an astronomer at Harvard University, "if an object of this size were to impact the Earth, it would be equivalent to a small nuclear explosion."