Kennedy Space Center is a rambling complex of buildings old and new that, except for the gaunt launch towers and massive Vehicle Assembly Building, seems barely to rise above the surrounding scrubland. Vegetation growing in the sandy soil of coastal Florida can be reminiscent of a far drier climate because rainwater drains so rapidly; however, a change in elevation of only a few feet can put you in a swamp. The land and water teem with wildlife herons, egrets, alligators, manatees and pelicans are all common sights. To the south of KSC, towns form a linear sprawl along the ocean.
The Future of Communications: The Next Revolution in Applications of Quantum Physics
It is probably the longest war in history, spanning millennia, and physicists are only baby steps away from resolving the conflict for eternity. What is this war, who is fighting it, and how is it about to end?
Want a hint? Visit the National Security Agency's webpage. The NSA is America's elite fighting force of code makers and code breakers, unparalleled in the world. You might be surprised to know that it is the largest employer of mathematicians in the world.
Isolation and Plasmid Analysis of Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Paper bank notes were collected in and around The George Washington University Hospital. The notes were washed in detergent to remove bacteria, which were then grown on mannitol salts agar with or without antibiotic supplementation. Yellow colonies were observed, which was indicative of Staphylococcus Aureus strains. Various strains were treated to purify plasmid DNA. The strains were also cured with Acridine Orange to remove plasmid DNA, and the strains with and without Acridine Orange were grown on vancomycin-supplemented media to test if the plasmid DNA in the strain was related with conferring vancomycin resistance.
REVIEW: Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) in Hyperglycemic Patients
The role of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) in the development of complications in individuals with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) has been explored by previous studies. However, the relationship between these reactive AGEs and diabetic complications are still somewhat unknown. Glycation (nonenzymatic glycosylation) processes, also known as the Maillard reactions, are a series of reactions between carbohydrates and free amino groups of proteins. The preliminary intermediates, (Amadori products; 1-amino, 1-deoxy, 2-ketoses), ultimately result in the formation of AGEs. AGEs in humans have been predominantly chemically characterized by the detection of pentosidine and N-carboxy-methyl lysine (CML). Both pentosidine and CML have been found to accumulate in skin and lens collagen matrix at accelerated rates in diabetic patients.